Sunday, January 5, 2014

January, 2014 prayer requests

Pray for the translation of the Bible into the Beng language.  Pray that God would provide the contacts, the workers, and the finances necessary for this project to be restarted some time this year.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December, 2013 Prayer Requests

This month, as you celebrate our Savior's birth with family and friends, I encourage you to remember the Beng people, half a world away, many of whom have never heard of Jesus.  Pray that the year to come would be one in which many Beng people will be added to the family of believers.

Friday, October 4, 2013

October, 2013 Prayer Requests

This week I am reading 1 Samuel with my Bible students.  We talked about the call of Samuel.  You know the story... Samuel hears a voice in the night and thinks it's Eli. He asks Eli what he wants and Eli says he never called him. This happens a few times before Samuel and Eli realize that it is God calling Samuel.  Samuel responds in obedience, giving his life to God and following in the path that He has for Samuel's life.

It is so exciting to know that God speaks to us in such a real and personal way.  He is not far away and hard to know.  He is near, and He is real.  He wants to communicate with us.

As I sat down to write a prayer request for the Beng tonight, I thought of this story and how incredible it would be if God called out to the Beng people in a similar way.  Pray that God would speak to them in a real and personal way and that they would respond in obedience, giving their lives to Him!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September, 2013 Prayer Requests

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."
Romans 8:26

I was reminded of this verse today as I was praying.  I was really burdened for someone, really wanting God to work in his life, but I was at a total loss as to how to pray. I don't even know what I want God to do (as if it's my job to tell Him what to do anyway). I just know I want Him to do something.  I just know that I need him, that this person I know needs him.

I think maybe that's right where God wants us sometimes. We don't always have to have detailed, eloquent prayers, saying just the right thing at just the right time.  "The Spirit helps us in our weakness."  God sees the desperation in our hearts as we pray and the Spirit fills in for us when our words are lacking.

Sometimes when I pray for the Beng, I sense this kind of loss for words. What do I pray for them?  How am I to know what their needs are when they are half a world away?  Maybe you feel that way too.

This month, let's ask for the Spirit's help as we pray for the Beng. Let's take the time to sit before the Lord in prayer and let a love and compassion for the Beng set in.  Let's take the time to feel a desperate burden for God to work among them. And then let's allow the Spirit to step in where our words lack. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August, 2013 Prayer Requests

For the past several weeks Musl1ms around the world have been fasting.  They abstain from food and drink during daylight hours in order to focus on Allah and spend time praying in an attempt to purify themselves and develop their humility and selflessness.  The 27th night of Ramadan is called the Night of Power (in commemoration of the Quran being revealed to Muhammad).  On this night in particular, Musl1ms ask Allah to speak to them and visit them in visions and dreams.

In countries all over the world, there are Musl1ms who have put their faith in Jesus and testify that they had a dream or vision in which God visited or spoke to them.  Visions and dreams can play a significant role in Muslims coming to Christ. 

About half of the Beng people are Muslim and are observing Ramadan.  Pray that God would speak to Beng Musl1ms during this time and reveal Himself to them through visions and dreams.  August 6th is the 27th night of Ramadan this year, the Night of Power.  Pray for them especially on this day. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July, 2013 Prayer requests

This week, as we thank God for the freedom and privileges we enjoy as Americans, let us also remember to pray for those who have less than we do- less freedom, less leisure time, less access to medical care, less formal education, fewer material possessions.

I say this not to make us feel guilty for being Americans or to make us feel bad for what we have.  I think we should enjoy what God has blessed us with and thank Him for it.  But there is more to it than that.  Jesus said "And from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."  (Luke 12:48b).  He wants us to bless others with the blessings He has given us. 

When people hear this, they automatically think of giving financially to those in need, and that is certainly part of it, but we can also bless others by investing our thoughts and prayers in their lives.  I pray that this week we will give a little extra of our time to pray for the Beng and their needs.  You can pray as God leads or maybe scroll back through some past requests and spend some time praying through them.  

Thanks for your prayers. They matter.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June, 2013 Prayer Requests

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting an African bishop and pastor who was visiting the United States. He shared with us about his work there and about his desire to see people know and love God.  Two things struck me about this man. One was his wisdom.  The other was his love.   It was obvious that this man spends time regularly with God.  Wisdom and love this true and apparent can only come from God Himself.

Meeting this dear man renewed my hope for Africa.  He may live and work on the opposite side of the continent from the Beng, but if African churches had leaders like this, surely the Gospel would spread throughout the cities, villages, forests, savannahs, and deserts and throughout the entire continent.  Let's pray this month for the leaders of the churches in Cote d'Ivoire, that God would strengthen their faith and widen their vision.  Pray that they would spend time regularly with God and draw from His strength rather than depending on their own.   Pray that God would grant them wisdom and love.  Pray these things for the leaders of the Beng church in particular.